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God’s Daily Planet News  Pg. 9 of 11  Tst. Teen St. and United Christian Worldwide 
Ministries   Present: The Elijah Files # 911   Y America  Y New York  Y  9-11  Ver. A

1. In 2 Peter 2:3-6 and 2 Peter 3:10 God explains that He cast the angels that sinned down to hell, the destruction
of the world flood due to its violence, and Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction by fire due to ungodly same sex 
sinful lifestyles, as an example to what He would do to any person, nation, or even the entire world, should this 
world ever revert to these same violent, sexually immoral ungodly ways. 
2. In Jude 7 God warns that those who commit perverted same sex sins will be burned forever by fire, and 
devoured forever by worms that will never die. And in Revelation 21:8 that abortionists + abominable sexually 
immoral will be cast into the lake of fire.
3. And in Romans 1:25-38+32 God warns that those who worship Satan the creature, false gods and idols, rather 
than Jesus Christ their Creator, or commit murder (this includes abortion), or women who have sex with women, 
and men who have sex with men are worthy of death. And regardless of what anyone on earth says, teaches 
preaches or believes. Everything that you or anyone have just read in these first three sentences is true  “Repent 
or burn forever”   God said It – That Settles It!
4. Since God’s first July 4 1978 to July 4 1989 (Messages To Mankind), inspired and written by God through me, 
Elijah John the Baptist, God and I warned and prophesied that if most or all of San Clemente and America did not 
repent, believe in Jesus Christ, get baptized, begin obeying God’s commandments and encourage the world to do
the same as soon as possible, that God’s end of the world destruction by fire would soon begin with another world
5. Also since God’s July 4 1985 to July 4 1989 (Messages to Mankind), God and I warned that homo-sick-uals and 
bi-sick-uals were infiltrating into Americas, political structure and public schools in order to try to destroy America 
from within, in order to provoke God destroy the world by fire, and in order to help Satan cause more people to 
end up in hell, and eventually into hells even more dreaded lake of fire.
6. God warned in Malachi 4:6 that if I did not succeed in turning America and the world back to God, by turning 
the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children back to their Fathers that He would 
then strike the earth with a curse. God’s curse of Malachi 4:1 that God would burn the world like an oven and turn 
its inhabitants into burnt stubble. 
7. Just as prophesied  and warned   by God, and I, since 1978 and since 1985 in para-graphs 4 +5 above, The 
end of the world by fire and beginning of World War 3 (which involve fire) started with the first Persian Gulf War 
against Iraq in 1990-1991 and Americas satanic legalization of abortion, homo-sick-uality and bi-sick-uality in 
8. This first Persian Gulf War crisis partially fulfilled God’s curse of Malachi 4:1 on both America and the world, 
and was due to both Americas and the world’s refusal to repent before Jan. 1 1990. However 9-11 was God’s 
special personal judgment and special curse of Malachi 4:1 on America, for repeatedly ignoring God’s numerous 
warnings to repent from 1978 to 1989, and for refusing to repent and help God try to turn the world back to God 
before 1990 in order that the entire world might have already been saved before 1990, or before during or after 
the year 2021.
9. Since God’s first July 4 1991 to July 4 1994 (God’s Final Warnings to planet Earth), also inspired by God 
through me, God and I warned, that if America and the world did not immediately repent and turn back to God as 
soon as possible, then God’s ferocious destruction as of 1991 would begin sweeping across America and the 
world like a 300 mile an hr. freight train of violence, fires and natural disasters out of control, and if they still 
refused to repent, then God’s ferocious anger would eventually come crashing down on America and the world 
like a  sledge hammer on a ping pong ball. Just as what happened on 9-11. When they finally came crashing 
down, they didn’t slowly burn piece by piece and come down gradually, it looked as if God had almost instantly 
crashed them down from the top with a huge sledgehammer and then down to the earth. Thus fulfilling the 
prophetic warning God and I made from 1991 -1994 
10. Then when America and the world still didn’t repent by 1995. In God’s July 4 1995 to July 4 1999 (Final 
Warnings To Planet Earth) God and I, warned again that if America and the world continued deliberately defying 
God’s warning and commands to repent, all the destruction that America and the world had suffered and would 
suffer during the 1990’s, would be absolutely nothing in comparison to what they would soon suffer and 
experience in the beginning of this new millennium.
11. Then on God’s first and only (New Year’s 2000 Warning To America), also inspired and written by God 
through me, God and I, warned that Americas personal deadline for repentance would be July 4 2001. And when 
America still defied God by 7-4-01, God’s curse of Malachi 4:1 as explained in paragraph 6 above, came crashing
through both Twin Towers likened to arrows from God, right through the heart of America. Only this time the fiery 
oven of Malachi 4:1, were the two huge towering infernal fiery like ovens that burned and turned its terrified 
screaming inhabitants into burnt charred stubble. And those that died and believed in Jesus Christ went straight 
to heaven, while those that died and including the Muslim terrorist continued their fiery journey through volcanoes 
and ended up in a fiery hell, A hell that God warns in his Holy Bible in Ezekiel 31:14-18 is located deep down in 
the nether parts and center heart of the world. And regardless of what anyone else in the world says, teaches, 
preaches  or  believes,  everything  that  you  have  just read above is true. God Said It – That Settles It.    Thank 
You, and may the love light of our only Lord and  Savior  Jesus  Christ,  guide  us  all  through  his  heavenly  
gates  of  eternity.       O X  OX  OX  Elijah John The Baptist. This Message completed at 5:27 P.M. on 1-9-01. 
Please make Xerox copies and hand distribute and or place anywhere might find this worldwide and share e-mail 
and God will greatly on earth and in heaven. Luv U too much! From God the Father, God the Son, God The Holy 
Spirit and I Elijah/John O X X.

God’s Daily Planet News   Pg. 9 of 11
 Tst. Teen St. and United Christian Worldwide Ministries    Present: The Elijah Files # 9-11   Y America   Y New 
York   Y  9-11  Ver. B 
1. God prophesied in Malachi 4:5 that He would send Elijah (John the Baptist) as His end time messenger and 
prophet (Malachi 3:1-3 Malachi 4:5) before the great and dreadful day of the Lord began in this New Millennium 
2. God sent me Elijah, in these last days and end times of planet earth to be the audible voice of God through 
whom God could speak, to prepare the way for the next coming of the Lord Jesus Christ during or after the year 
2021. And also as one of God’s last final effort’s beginning in 1978 to try to encourage most or all of America, and
most or all of the world to repent, believe in Jesus Christ and get baptized in order that the entire world might be 
saved rather than be condemned (John 3:17 +18). For it is not God’s will today,, tomorrow, or has it ever been 
that anyone should perish in hellfire, but that the entire world might be saved before 2018, or before the beast 
soon appears on the world scene.
3. God warned in Malachi 4:6 that if I did not succeed in turning America and the world back to God, by turning 
the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children back to their Fathers that he would 
then strike the earth with a curse. God’s curse of Malachi 4:1 that God would burn the world like an oven and turn 
its inhabitants in to burnt stubble. 
4. Since my first God given message in 1978 to December 31 1989, God and I, warned  and prophesied that if 
most or all of San Clemente and America did not repent, believe in Jesus Christ get baptized, begin obeying God’
s commandments and encourage the world to do the same as soon as possible, then many, most or all of 
Americas and the worlds current 1978 problems and natural disasters would begin increasing in volume and 
strength to extremely ferocious, violent, epidemic Apocalyptic proportions, and that God’s end of the world 
destruction by fire would soon begin with another world war. 
5. In God’s July 4 1985 Message to Mankind, God and I warned that homo-sick-uals and bi-sick-uals were 
infiltrating into Americas, political structure and public schools in order to try to destroy America from within, and in
order to provoke God to destroy the world by fire and help Satan cause more people to end up in hell, and 
eventually into hells even more dreaded lake of fire. Jude 7.  
6. As America and the world can now see, many, most or all of Americas and the worlds minor and especially 
serious problems, that America and the world were plagued with in 1978, to today on 1-9-16 have either 
continued, significantly increasing, or even worse  risen to epidemic Apocalyptic proportions. Such as; the current 
economic crisis, drug use, organ implants, prostitution, homo-sick-uality, bi-sick-uality, transvestites, pedophilia, 
public nudity, or nude clubs, pornography,  violence, riots, bombings, school shootings, murders, terrorism and 
drug wars, witchcraft, famines, homelessness, and now since 1993 today in 20i6 have even legalized the satanic 
lifestyles of abortionists, homo-sick-uals, bi-sick-uals, trans genders, or even legalized sperm donning, breast 
implants in-vitro-fertilization. My God, what are America’s corrupt satanic politicians and Supreme Court judges 
going to legalize next? Witchcraft human sacrifices, pedophilia, bestiality. 
10. The first Persian Gulf War crisis in 1990-1991 was God’s personal judgment on the world for refusing to 
repent and Americas satanic legalization of abortion, homo-sick-uality, and bi-sick-uality in 1993. However 911, 
was God’s personal judgment on America for refusing to repent before 1990 and encouraging the world to do the 
same, in order that God might have saved the entire world before or shortly after 1990. And for again repeatedly 
refusing to heed God’s repeated official written final warnings to repent from 1991 1999. And in every official 
document from God written through me from 1991 to 1999. And especially for ignoring Gods Final deadline to 
repent before July 4 2001. When America did not repent by this deadline, two months later God personally judged
America on 9-11 with the curse of Malachi 4:1 And the oven that would burn and turn its inhabitants into burnt 
stubble was the World trade Center’s Two Twin Towers. And regardless of what anyone in America or the world 
say’s, teaches, preaches or believes,   “God Said It – That Settles it”   and right now on 1-9-01 (notice the 9 and 
two ones) another date you will never forget God is commanding and saying to me, Elijah John the Baptist don’t 
you dare even finish this paragraph without writing;
11. Wake up America as of today on 1-9-11 and repent and turn from your violence, and from your perverted 
disgusting homo-sick-ual and bi-sick-ual ways, or America will soon burn like she never burned before.   Ha. Ha. 
Ha and I, We, God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God The Holy Spirit, will continue mocking and 
laughing at yours and the worlds calamities that began in 1990, just as many of you have mocked and laughed at 
Me/Us and when the wicked tortured and crucified Almighty God Jesus ChristJesus Christ. 
12. And just as I warn in Proverbs 1:26-30:  Ha, Ha, Ha I will continue to mock and laugh at yours and the worlds 
calamities, that came out of Iraq, out of nowhere when you least expected it. Likened to a tornado whirlwind that 
comes out of nowhere, or just drops down out of the sky when its least expected. Fear Me Almighty God the 
Father, Almighty God the Holy Spirit and Almighty God The Son Jesu Christ. Fear Me America and all you 
inhabitants of planet earth, for if you don’t Fear Me and immediately repent before 1-1-18, I will continue to mock 
and laugh at your destruction and calamity, and you will call on me, but I will not answer. And all because you 
refused to repent, hated knowledge and chose not to fear the Lord. Repent now or BURN BURN BURN 
Please make Xerox copies and hand distribute or place them where someone might find them. Or share e-mail.  
Continued on  go to and click cursor on religious opinions in upper left corner, then scroll 
down and click cursor on God’s truck. Love you too much, God, our angels and Elijah O XX  
Then scroll down and  click cursor on God’s truck. And may the Love light of God and Jesus Christ, guide us all 
through their heavenly gates of eternity
13. Ha, Ha, Ha, today on 1-9-1 (your new emergency code) Ha, Ha, Ha, America I/We also laugh at yours and the
world’s calamities and destruction for worshipping Satan the creature rather your Creator Jesus Christ, for 
changing God’s truth into lies, and Satans lies into truth and for your wicked, evil and sexually perverse same sex 
lifestyles as warned in Romans 1:25-27. And in Romans 1:32  I, Jehovah God warn that those who practice these 
things are worthy of death (and hells lake of fire where maggots eat faggots and their maggot worms never die, as 
warned in Jude 7 Mark 9:44-48  Revelation 21:8).



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